Monday, December 21, 2015

Chapter 18, Lesson 2: Inner Planets.

Before you get started with exploring the inner planets of our solar system go to page 522, jot down and define the vocabulary words, and look over the pictures and "fact charts" on each of the inner planets.  Make a list of their names and an interesting fact or two about each.



Space Probes



Now look over pp. 522-523.  Read over Mercury and Venus then look at the pictures and videos below.


Mercury video


Venus video

Answer these questions in your journal:
1.  What are some reasons why people cannot live on Mercury or Venus?
2.  How much farther from the Sun is Venus than is Mercury?

Look over pp. 524-525.  Read about Earth and the Moon then look at the pictures and videos below.


Earth Video

The Moon (Luna)

The Moon (Luna) Video

Now answer this question in your journal:
1.  What make life possible on Earth?

Look over pp. 526-527 about Mars.  Then look at the video and picture below.


Mars Video

Answer these last questions in your journal:
1.  Why is the soil on Mars red?
2.  What characteristics do Earth and Mars have in common?
3.  What might scientists predict if the rovers find water on Mars?

Think you're ready?  Now take the quiz!! You'll see these questions again in our class quiz!

Lesson 2 on-line quiz

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Chapter 18, Lesson 1 What makes up the universe?

Today we're going to explore the universe by looking at the things we know about  it.

Go ahead and jot down today's vocabulary:

A crash course in astronomy

The universe
A crash course in the universe

What is the Milky Way?

Solar System
How big is the solar system?
A lesson on the solar system.

Now look over pages 518-521.  Read the pages, look at the pictures, and answer the checkpoint questions on page 519 and page 521.

Now take the quiz!


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Chapter 17, Lesson 2, Pt 1: What patterns can you see in the sky?

Let's start this lesson by talking.  Turn to your partner and explain what you know about patterns and what patterns in the sky could be.  Be ready to share with the class.

Today and tomorrow we'll be looking at various patterns in the sky.  Today we'll focus on the Earth, Sun, and Moon.  Later we'll look at the stars!

I want you to pair off with a neighbor and do some research to answer the questions below. One of you will be the recorder and write down answers to these questions as you go.  

1.  What causes the apparent repeated changes of the Moon's shapes?

2.  What is an eclipse and how is lunar eclipse different from a solar eclipse?

Here are some videos, pictures, and text references to help you answer the question. Focus on answering the questions, not on watching/looking at the resources below.  Write down answers as you find them!  Jot down the answers and be ready to turn them in by the end of class. Be sure to jot down vocabulary words that you don't have and define them in your journal as you go!

You can find text on this on pp. 500-503.  Pages 500-501 are about the Moon and its shapes.  Pages 502-503 are about eclipses

Here's a video about the moon and its phases.

This video is about what eclipses are.

This video shows you what the moon looks like during its various phases.

More on eclipses.

Here are some pictures to look at:

Lunar and Solar Eclipses

Phases of the Moon

More on phases  

Chapter 17, Lesson 2, Pt 2

Go ahead and open your books to page 505.  Work with your partner to read through lesson 2. Answer the checkpoint review questions at the bottom of each page.  Answer the questions on a page that you can turn in.

After you're done go ahead and check out the videos below. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Not let's make a PSA!

Today you're going to create your own PSA on Communicable Diseases.

Let's look at this video:

Now it's your turn.  Work with your neighbors to create your own PSA video.  Use the worksheet to help you plan it out!

Once you're done, give it to Mr. Gilman. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Chapter 7, Lesson 2: What are tornados?

Start by talking to a neighbor.  What do you know about thunderstorms and tornados?  Jot that down in your journal.

Now watch this video:

Now go to the text and define the vocabulary words.  Next look at the checkpoint questions at the bottom of each page and answer them in your journal.  

1.  Name three ways that make tornados different from hurricanes.
2.  How do doppler radars help scientists look at thunderstorms?
3.  Where are the safest places to be in a house during a tornado?

If you've already done this then you're ready for the quiz!

Tornado Quiz



Doppler Radar

Here are some more good videos to check out at home!


Here's your multiplication challenge for today!

1.  9x1= 9
2.  11x2= 22
3.  12x3= 36
4.  9x4 = 36
5.  11x5= 55
6.  9x6 = 54
7.  4x7=  28
8.  6x8= 48
9.  9x9= 81
10.  8x10= 80

Friday, October 30, 2015


Stone Knapping is process of chipping rocks to turn them into tools.

A Maryland Native American knapping stones.

Tools and materials for knapping.  Notice the use of sticks and horns antlers.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Chapter 7, Lesson 1, What are hurricanes? pt. 1

1.  Open your books to page 215 and jot down the following vocabulary words:

tropical depression
tropical storm
storm surge

2.  Now take a look at this video:

Tropical Cyclones

How Hurricanes form

Hurricane 101

3.  Now read page 215 and answer this question in your STEM journal:

How fast are a hurricane's winds?

4.  Read pages 216-217 and answer  this question:

What is the source of a hurricane's energy?

5.  Now go take the on-line quiz!  Good luck!

Tropical Storm Quiz

Be sure to check out the pictures below!

Hurricane Andrew

Storm Surge

Tropical Depression

Tropical Storm

Hurricane Models

Chapter 7, Lesson 4: Noncommunicable Diseases

Years ago Communicable Diseases were the main "killer" that people had to worry about. However modern medicine has come up with ways to treat these diseases.  So now the main diseases people need to worry about are Noncommunicable Diseases.

Turn to page 174 and jot down the five vocabulary words:

Heart Disease

Now go ahead and watch this short video:

Noncommunicable Diseases in a Minute

After you watch the video go back to the text, and with your partner, look up each of these vocabulary words and jot down a definition for each of them in your STEM journal.  You'll need to skim over each page to find the word and its definition.

Now go take this quiz to see what you know!

NCD Quiz

Arthritis is a disease of the joints

Diabetes happens because your body can't process sugar.

Heart Disease is the clogging of the body's arteries.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Chapter 8, Lesson 1 Minerals and Rocks

Hi guys,

Over the last few days we've been looking at different types of rocks.  Do you remember what they were?

Now today we're going to be looking at what rocks are made of.  Today when you're done you should be able to tell me what minerals are.

Be sure to check out the pictures too!

1.  Before you start watching videos go to your textbook and look for a definition for these words:

Minerals (p.239)
Luster (p.240)

So open your textbook and look these vocabulary words up, write them into your STEM journal.

2.  Now go ahead and look at these two videos:

This video is a quick introduction about what minerals are.  It's pretty short but be sure to take good notes!

This video is pretty silly, but Max does a pretty good job about telling you how minerals and rocks are related.

3.  No go here and check what you know with the Minerals Quiz!  

Minerals Quiz!

You can set-up an account if you want to or you can take the quiz without an account.  It's up to you and the account is free!.

4.  You're done, now take the exit ticket quiz. Come see me to take it.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Chapter 8, Lesson 3 Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks

You and a partner should pair off and choose one of the two videos below to watch.  Just click on the name to go to the video.

Three Types of Rocks Video

Three types of rock

Once you finish the video click on the link below to see what you know!  When you finish the quiz just hit the back button to come back here. 

Rock Quiz

Now take a look at these pictures.  Once you're done go back to your textbook and jot down and define the vocabulary words.  

Igneous Rock (p.246)
Metamorphic Rock (p.249)

Be sure to read the section called "The Rock Cycle" on page 248 and look over the diagram on p. 249.

You're now done!!

Metamorphic Rocks

Igneous Rocks

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Chapter 7, Lesson 3: Fighting Communicable Diseases

Why Learn This?  You can use what you learn about preventing disease to promote health at home and at school.  In other words, you can use this knowledge to stay healthy!

Today we're going to learn how your body fights disease and what you can do to help it!

To get ready for today go watch this video:

What are germs?

Now turn to page 166-167 and read.  Be sure to jot down these vocabulary words:

immune system

Make sure you know what these words mean before I call time.

Also be sure to look at the diagram at the bottom of the page called "The Body's Defenses".  

Now read pp. 168-169.  As you read make a list of things you can do to avoid diseases!  Be ready to share them.

Finally read over pp. 170-171.  Jot down and define this vocabulary word:


Answer this question:  why do schools require children to get vaccinated (get vaccines) before they can come to school?  Be ready to share your answer with the class. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Before you get started, go watch this video!


Now open your books to page p. 234-235.  Jot down the list of vocabulary words and work with your team to define them or tell what you know about them.

sedimentary rock
igneous rock
metamorphic rock

Once you've done this turn to page 236.  Read over the Direct Inquiry and pick a materials manager, time keeper, technician, and a recorder.

The materials manager is responsible for keeping up with the materials, collecting them, passing them out, and putting everything away.
The timekeeper's job is to keep an eye on the time.  This inquiry should only take 20 minutes so the timekeeper needs to keep things moving along.
The technician should handle the minerals and group them with the team deciding with the tech where the minerals go.  The tech should be the only person actually handling the minerals.
The recorder is responsible for writing the team's response to the BCR:  How did you classify the samples?

You'll only have about 20 minutes to complete this inquiry.

When the time is up the recorder should turn in the inquiry organizer, the materials manager should return the experiment tray, and everyone else should clean and organize their area.

Have a great time!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

STEM Projects are beginning!

Hi all,

It's that time of year again!  Tonight your student will be coming home with his/her STEM fair journal and a hand out that includes your student's entry form to the Science Fair.  Participation in the STEM fair is mandatory and is a material part of your child's Science grade for second quarter.  You are encouraged to support your student in their effort but we need your child to assume as much of the responsibility for the project as possible.  Feel free to give them advice and minor support, but let them do the work.

Our first deadline will be on September 23, 2015.  At that time your child should come up with an idea/proposal for their project to present to me.  That means that they need to start thinking about this now and should start talking to me about it with me sooner rather than later.  Your child will be coming home tonight with a full schedule of deadlines.

Have your child read over p. 2-7.  Your student will need me to review their ideas and sign-off on page 7 by 9/23.  These pages will explain to you and your student what projects are reasonable and which are not.  They will also give your child some general ideas that will get him/her started.  I will also post links to sites, articles, and books that you might find helpful.  Please look over these while your child deliberates over what to do.

Here's few to get you started




It's very silly, but it covers the ground in a way that kids might enjoy.

Be sure visit Google and Youtube for more useful information.

We will probably have a Science Fair night in the near future.  During that event we will answer your questions and give you helpful advice and pointers so you can help your student be successful in the STEM Fair.

Keep an eye here for future up-dates!

Mr. Case

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year!

Hi all,

Welcome back to another year here at Paint Branch Elementary School.  My name is Randall Case and I will be your child's Math and Science teacher this year in 4th Grade.  Many of you already know me because I taught 3rd Grade Reading and Language Arts.  It's a very happy thing to a teacher to get a chance to move up with one's students to the next grade.  It's even better to get a chance to teach new and different subjects to them too!

Anyway, this page will hopefully be your go-to site for news and information about what's going on in our class.  Here you'll find the homework assigned, explanations about materials being covered, links to useful sites to help you and your child with classwork and homework, and other information that I think you'll find interesting or helpful.

Be sure to check in weekly to see what's up.  The site will be updated each Sunday with what's going on in the coming week.  So feel free to drop by and check things out.

Have a great school year!

Mr. Case