Thursday, December 15, 2016

Unit 2, Lesson 4: Growth and Change in Maryland Part 2

Changes in Industry

Open your book to page 64. Now watch this video.

Now read p. 64. As you read write the definitions in your journal for Industrial Revolution and mill. When you finish reading and writing definitions answer this question in your journal.

Number these events 1-3 in the order that they happened. Write them in order in your journal.

____________. As businesses grew, there were more jobs in Baltimore.

____________ Many people moved to Baltimore.

___________ Baltimore became an important port.

Now watch this video.

Now read page 65 in the text. Be sure to write the definition for canal in your journal.

Now look at the map on page 65. Tell me how you would travel from Elkton in northeastern Maryland to Cumberland. Tell me the mode of transportation and what town you would travel from. For example your trip could start with you taking a boat from Elkton to Baltimore or you could ride a coach from Elkton to Baltimore too. Now describe the rest of the trip! Write your answer in your journal and be ready to discuss it in class.

Unit 2, :Lesson 4: Growth and Change in Maryland Part 1

Part 1: pp. 62-63 Maryland and the War of 1812

Watch this video....

Or if this is too silly then check out this one.

Now read pp. 62-63 and answer the question at the bottom of page 63. Write three causes (what started the war) of the War of 1812 and circle one effect (what it caused) of the war. Write your answer in your journal.

If you finish early go on to the next page and read about Changes in Maryland Industry and about its roads, canals, and railroads.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 2: College Park

Here are a few things I've found about College Park.


Here's a general search for College Park: Link
The Wikipedia Article: Link

Here are a few videos

College Park is a pretty amazing place!!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Social Studies Unit 1, Lesson 2: Local Government

Hi all,

Great job on all of the wonderful projects that we saw on Friday. All of them showed lots of effort and imagination. Keep up the good work!

This week we are moving from talking about the state government and are moving down to the local level. Local governments are the governments that control a smaller location. States in the United States are split into large areas, usually rural locations, called counties.  Prince George's County is such a place. These counties include smaller, but heavily populated locations called cities (like College Park). Counties and cities are very similar in that they have governments, police departments, libraries, school systems (especially in large cities like Baltimore and Washington), and other services.

So for this lesson we will be looking at cities and counties in general, and at Prince George's County and the City of College Park in particular.

As you do your reading and research be sure to answer these questions in your journal:

1. What is a county?
2. What is a city?
3. How are they a like? How are they different?
4. Why is there a need two have these two levels of government?
5. What would life be like if we didn't have local governments like these?
6. Who are the leaders of PG County and College Park? What do they do for their residents?

The cool thing about this level of government is that you might actually be able to talk to these people! Make an effort to reach out and talk to them if you can.

Here are some links to get you going.

PG County

A basic search: PG County
Wikipedia: PG County
The government's site: Site
A link to PG County's government YouTube channel: Link

I'll be putting up information on College Park later today!

Mr. C

Friday, September 9, 2016

Hop in, say "hi, and look at the posts below

Hey 4th Grade,

Glad to see so many of you were able to get your email accounts up and going. Please take a moment to comment below and say "hi". Also be sure to check out the links in the post below because some of them will help you with your presentation on Friday.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the blog!

Mr. C

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Social Studies Lesson 1: Organization and Powers of the Maryland State Government

Hey guys,

Welcome to the Fourth Grade and your first research project! In this lesson you'll research how the MD government is organized and what the powers are for each branch.

Here are some interesting pictures:

Here are a couple of useful links:

This is an official State of Maryland site. Link
This is another State of Maryland site that is more kids friendly: Link

These videos could be of some use:

General information on Maryland

This video is for California, but it is pretty similar to Maryland. Be careful though, states have different names for their legislatures!

Another, shorter video on governmental organization.

Here's a rap about the Federal government. Maybe an idea for songwriters out there?

Here's a copy of the assignment sheet I gave out in class yesterday just in case you need it.

Name_______________________________  Date________________________________

Social Studies Project #1: How is the Maryland State Government organized?

Prompt: Create a presentation using Powerpoint, posters, or some other media that can explain to your audience (other 4th Graders) how the Maryland State Government is organized. You must create at least 4 slides: one to introduce your presentation, one slide for each branch of the Maryland government. You can create a conclusion slide for extra credit.

·         The introduction slide should have a quick breakdown of the Maryland government and should show how it is organized.

·         The three body slides should cover each branch of the government. The slide should name what it is and tell what it does and what its powers are.

·         The conclusion slide should wrap-up your discussion of the government and summarize what you just said about the Maryland government. This slide is worth extra credit points.

·         You will give a presentation that should last 5 minutes or less!

To get the best grade possible be sure to:

·         Use capitalization when necessary.

·         Use correct spelling.

·         Use punctuation such as periods where it is needed.

·         Use some sort of graphic or picture to show what you mean.


Rough draft of design (on paper)
Due Friday, September 9th.
5 pt
Rough draft of design (in a final form).
Due Wednesday, September 14th.
5 pt
Final draft of design in its final form.
Due Friday, September 16th.
5 pt
In class presentation.
Will be done on Friday, September 16th and/or Monday September 19th.
10 pt
Extra Credit.
Concluding slide or poster.
2 pt

 Mr. Case and Mr. Bustos will be checking progress on this project on the dates mentioned above. Students should use their textbook pages pp. 82-87 and they can use on-line resources such as Mr. Case’s Blog Spot site ( They are also welcome to use their own on-line resources and the library as well.

Don't forget to make a comment below so you can get a buzz buck on Tuesday! Be sure to say your name and class.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Chapter 14, Lesson 2: How is Sound Made?

Chapter 14, Lesson 1 What is Sound Energy?

1.  You are to answer the "question" of your lesson.
2.  You may use pictures, sketch, shows charts, timelines, or whatever graphics will help you answer the question.  In other words you must have text features on your "sticky".
3. Present your findings to the class and Mr. Case!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Chapter 14: Sound and Light

Homework for 5/17/2016.

Go to page 402 and 403.  Write down the vocabulary words on page 403 and match them up with the pictures (by reading).  Then look up each word and write a definition for each word.

Also check out these videos:



Thursday, May 12, 2016

Chapter 13, Lesson 5: How is magnetism transformed to electricity?

Today you'll be looking at the text and select videos to answer this guiding question:  How is magnetism transformed to electricity?

First check out this video:

This one too!

Now open to page 390.

Read over p 390 and 391, and be sure to check out the illustrations, then go to page 391 and answer the checkpoint question:

What happens when a magnet is moved back and forth inside a coiled wire?

Now read over 392 and 393.  Be sure to check out the the time line on page 392 for the major events in the discovery and use of electricity.

Now answer the check point on p. 393:

How do magnets help generators produce electricity?

So now give it a shot-

How is magnetism transformed into electricity???

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Shad Project: Invasive species video

Hey guys,

Mr. Chris wanted you to catch this video.  It is about invasive species!  Invasive species are plants and animals from other places in the world that are brought here to Maryland.  Some are harmless enough, but others are dangerous to both the flora (plants) and fauna (animals) here in Maryland because they have no natural predators and they compete with native (flora and fauna from Maryland) for habitat and resources (like food and water).

AWS video on invasive species

Friday, May 6, 2016

Chapter 13 videos: Magnetism

This is a "How things work" video from Discovery.

Here's a good search to check out on Youtube.

Youtube magnet search

Monday, April 11, 2016

Chapter 12, Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 Heat

Here's this week's vocabulary:

Energy: The ability to change something or move it.

Thermal Energy:  Energy from the movement of particles.  We feel thermal energy as heat.

Conduction:  The transfer of heat energy by one thing touching another.  For example, when you touched the chair let and made it warmer you're seeing an example of conduction.

Conductor:  A material that readily allows heat to move.

Insulator:  A material that inhibits the movement of heat.

Convection Current:  A pattern of flowing heat energy.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Spring Break packet, Day 1

Hi guys,

So my wonderful plan to share how to do this packet was scuttled by my computer.  It died yesterday and is off to Upper Marlboro to be fixed.  That means that I can't post daily like I wanted to.  So I'll hit today and tomorrow and update every two days rather than every day.

Day 1

I say to problems 1-3 since they are all related.  Easy stuff IF you read the label and the instructions!!

1.  The key here is how many total calories are there in THIS BOX.  If you check the label then you'll notice that this box doesn't just have one serving.  It has "about 4".  That means that you have to multiply the 130 calories by 4!  Don't think that just 130 is the correct answer!!

2.  More of the same only with protein.  Remember, this box has 4 servings!  So you have to find the total about of protein in each serving and multiply by 4 to get what's in the WHOLE BOX.

3.  Finally, something different.  This takes a little looking because the label talks about servings but this problem talks about CUPS! Don't freak.  Just go back to the label and see the serving size again.  It tells you that a serving size is 1/4 cup.  Once you get that then this problem is a breeze. She eats two servings, so figure out what that looks like in fractional form.  Don't let the answer choices confuse you.  Three of the four are just silly if you remember how to do fractions! Only one makes sense and it's the answer!

See you Sunday for the next few problems!

Mr. C

Friday, February 12, 2016

Health: Chapter 1, Lesson 3- The digestive system


Chapter 1, Lesson 3: The digestive system




Small Intestine

Large Intestine

Friday, February 5, 2016

Health Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Chapter 1, Lesson 2: The Nervous System

Guiding Question:  How does the nervous system help you stay healthy and safe?


Nervous System



Sunday, January 10, 2016

Chapter 18, Lesson 4 Outer Planets

Now it's time to wrap-up our survey of the planets of our solar system.  Turn to page 534 and read 534-535.  Be sure to check out the facts chart on Neptune then answer the checkpoint question.

Checkpoint Question:  How does Neptune compare in size to the other planets?

Go ahead and check out the video. 


Now turn to p 536.  Read p536-537 about Pluto, its odd orbit, and about objects beyond Pluto.  By the way, what's the name of the object the book calls 2003 UB313?  Now answer the checkpoint question:

Checkpoint:  List the planets in order from smallest to largest.  Be sure to use the Fact charts to get their sizes (or look at the guided inquiry at the beginning of the chapter.

Now check out the videos on Pluto and Eris. 


Eris and the Kuiper Belt

Friday, January 8, 2016

Chapter 1 Body Systems, Lesson 1 You are growing

Lesson Focus:  As you grow your body will change.








Start with this video:

Start by opening your books to page 4.  Go through the lesson and jot down the words in yellow and find definitions for each of them.

Now read pp. 4-5 about Traits. Then answer this question:

1.  Describe how you might have ended up with an inherited trait from your grandmother.

Now read pp. 6-7 about what cells are and what they do.  Then answer this question:

2.  Tell how organs are alike and different.

Finally read pp. 8-9 and answer this question:

3.  Why does your body change during adolescence?

Think you're ready for the quiz?  Give it a shot!

Quiz on You are Growing.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Chapter 18, Lesson 3: What do we know about Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus?

Today we are going to be looking at the gas giants that make up many of the outer planets of our solar system.  These worlds are called "gas giants" because they are made up of gas (like oxygen and hydrogen) and they are truly gigantic worlds.  However they are not worlds like Earth and the inner planets which are rocky!  In fact, you really can't even walk on these planets because there is no land on any of them!

Now go on and open your book to page 528 and read up on Jupiter!  As you read answer these questions:

1.  What is a gas giant?
2.  What is the Great Red Spot and how big is it?

Here's a video on Jupiter to check out:

Now turn to page 530 and read about Saturn.  Once you've read over the page answer these questions.

1.  What are Saturn's rings made of?

Now check out this video on Saturn.

Off to Uranus.  Turn to page 532 and read about this tilted planet!  Now show me what you know by answering these questions.

Here's a video on Uranus.

1.  How is the atmosphere of Uranus different from that of Saturn?
2.  How is Uranus different from other gas giants?

Think you know about about these gas giants?  Then try your luck with this on-line quiz!

Gas Giant's Quiz