Thursday, May 12, 2016

Chapter 13, Lesson 5: How is magnetism transformed to electricity?

Today you'll be looking at the text and select videos to answer this guiding question:  How is magnetism transformed to electricity?

First check out this video:

This one too!

Now open to page 390.

Read over p 390 and 391, and be sure to check out the illustrations, then go to page 391 and answer the checkpoint question:

What happens when a magnet is moved back and forth inside a coiled wire?

Now read over 392 and 393.  Be sure to check out the the time line on page 392 for the major events in the discovery and use of electricity.

Now answer the check point on p. 393:

How do magnets help generators produce electricity?

So now give it a shot-

How is magnetism transformed into electricity???

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